"Don't trade when there aren't clear opportunities" Jesse Livermore "The only way to "get better at trading" is to practice dealing with losses, with money, with your real trading system "Rob Booker "There are old traders and there are bold traders, but there are very few old, bold traders." Ed Seykota "Don't think about what the market's going to do; you have absolutely no control over that. Think about what you're going to do if it gets there"Bill Eckhardt

Friday, August 12, 2016


  • We again have 5 stocks in our portfolio 2 shorts and 3 longs. SLB is down in spite of  the increase  in price of oil today. The correlation coefficient between Schlumberger’s stock price and crude oil prices since July 1, 2016, has increased compared to its correlation coefficient in the past one year and now it stands on 0.73. So probability is, if oil price will increase further so would SLB. 
  •  Cowen's firm has raised the Price Target to $ 92 from a previous price target of $85 .Company shares were Reiterated by Scotia Howard Weil on Jul 25, 2016 to “Sector Outperform”,Firm has raised the Price Target to $ 90 from a previous price target of $80 . Schlumberger Limited. was Upgraded by Societe Generale to ” Buy” on Jul 19, 2016.
  • We have 10 days time stop on it, price stop price of 77.90 on 44 shares

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