"Don't trade when there aren't clear opportunities" Jesse Livermore "The only way to "get better at trading" is to practice dealing with losses, with money, with your real trading system "Rob Booker "There are old traders and there are bold traders, but there are very few old, bold traders." Ed Seykota "Don't think about what the market's going to do; you have absolutely no control over that. Think about what you're going to do if it gets there"Bill Eckhardt

Saturday, September 3, 2016


  • We started our portfolio with $25000 on AUG 5. Our profit in August on closed trades was $1600.66 and loss $347.55. All prices include commission that was $248.75 on all closed trades. We had 11 long trades and 2 short trades.The long trades were 8 winners and 3 losers.The short trades were  all winners. The average win was $160 and the average loss was $116.Trade expectancy is $97 and the average days held is 7.1. SPY went up since Aug 5 0.91% and our portfolio is up 2.35%.We still have 3 stocks in open trades. 2 winners (ETFC and SSNI) and 1 loser(CKH).
  • Our regret this month that we were stopped out on KPTI, but we have to stick to our stop price of 1% in order to be successful and consistent in the market where 90% of traders will eventually lose.

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